Sunday, January 24, 2010

Difference between Perspective, Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing.

Perspective Drawing

Perspective Drawing is used by artists to give the illusion of space and distance.
A perspective drawing is a form of pictorial drawing.A perspective drawing utilizes either one, two or three points to where the receding lines will vanish. These vanishing points are placed along a horizontal line called a horizon line. No longer will the receding lines be parallel to each other as in oblique or isometric drawings.

Isometric Drawing dt_g_dmi_tp6.gif
If you have taken New South Wales Maths Assessments
or 2009's PSLE Math paper,Isometric drawings will not be
new to you. Isometric drawings are usually drawn with
rulers to ensure accuracy.In isometric projection,all vertical
lines on an object remain vertical while the horizontal lines
are 30 degrees horizontal.

Oblique Drawing

Oblique drawings have a set of 45° lines,a set of horizontal lines and a set of vertical lines.As long as basic rules are followed, oblique projection is quite easy to master and easy to draw quickly.
Orthographic Drawing

Orthographic Projection is a way of drawing an 3D object from different directions. Usually a front, side and plan view are drawn so that a person looking at the drawing can see all the important sides. Orthographic drawings are useful especially when a design has been developed to a stage whereby it is almost ready to manufacture.



Sunday, January 17, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection

1.ADMT means to me that we can use Art and Technology to design products that will make life easier for the elderly or the disabled and we will use different forms of media to promote and advertise the product.
2.We should not be afraid to showcase of ideas as we are afraid to receive remarks but we should learn from the remarks and improve the idea.
3.I hope that I will be able to design a useful product and be able to sell it.
4.By working hard and brainstorming for ideas of what can help the elderly or the disabled in their daily lives.